Friday 19 October 2012


                                                     BECOMING THE BEST:
       Understanding Biblical Principles for Becoming All that God Created You to Be - Part 1 

                                                        Philippians 3: 12 – 16


There is a purpose behind your creation; a reason why you are created, designed and configured in the exact way you are – sex, height, temperament, talents and abilities – Jer. 1: 4, 5; Isa. 49: 1; Psalm 139: 13 – 16.

No man/woman exists by accident. We are all deliberately created to be SOMETHING in particular for which God created us. There is an assignment, a work that each one of us was created to do – EPHESIANS 2: 10.

However, it is sad to say that many of us come to the earth and return to our Creator without ever fulfilling God’s purpose for our creation. Let me tell you that it is not enough to live but to live and fulfill God’s expectations for our lives. By creation and design, you were meant to be the best in whatever you lay your hands upon – DEUT. 28: 8. You are not created for mediocrity. You are not created for failure.
Whether you are in business, career job, Christian ministry, marriage or educational line, God’s plans for you is to be the best, at the top always. God’s plan is for you to become the best; the best parent(s), spouse, business person, teacher, student, pastor etc.


1.    Your creation is UNIQUE – GEN. 1: 26 – 28; PSALM 139: 14. When it came to the creation of man, God didn’t do it the way He did the others. For others, He spoke but for man He called the Trinity together and specially fashioned man.

2.    The Spirit that dwells inside you is not an ordinary spirit. It is the Spirit of excellence – DANIEL 6: 1 – 6; GEN. 40: 37 – 40.

3.    The God you serve is not an ordinary God. He is an excellent God.

It pains my heart whenever I see Christians, children of covenant, living pitiable and miserable lives. The houses we live in, the environment we live in, the jobs we do and our condition of lives are pitiable. For your information, no child of God is a creature of pity. We are a people to be envied and emulated and not a people to be pitied. Consider Isaac in GENESIS 26: 12 – 14. His life became envy to the Philistines. And brethren, we as Isaac, are children of promise – GALATIANS 4: 28.
The questions now are:
•    Why are many children of the covenant living such pitiable lives?
•    What does it take to live the kind of life that God has ordained for you to live?

                  –  PSALM 82: 5 – 7

•    Why are many children of God, covenant children, living such pitiable and miserable lives? Is it because that’s the way God wants it to be? Or what?

In PSALM 82: 6, God made a strange but powerful declaration concerning all His children. He called us “gods.” And when Jesus came, He made reference to the same passage [JOHN 10: 34].

Ha! How could the Bible call mere humans, clay, gods? Isn’t that blasphemy? Well, the truth is God cannot lie. If He called us gods, we must be gods indeed. He said the same thing to Moses in EXODUS 7: 1. So, we are gods indeed!

After God molded the clay in the at the time of creation, the mold was just a lifeless entity; a cadaver. But then God breathed the breath of life into the cadaver and it became a living being [GENESIS 2: 7].

But wait a minute!

Why did God went through the pains of breathing into the man? He could just have commanded the airs from the four corners of the earth to enter into the man, just as He did in EZEKIEL 37: 9, with the dry bones.

The revelation here is that what God breathed into man was not ordinary breath. It was what the Hebrew Old Testament called “ruah” – which means Spirit. So, in essence, what God blew into man was not air, but His Spirit, His life, mind, power, essence, divine nature and resources; the very qualities that made Him God. We thereby became partakers in the divine nature [2 PETER 1: 3, 4].  If we carry Godlike nature in us, I guess that makes us gods like the scripture says.

Perhaps you’ve not gotten the gist yet. Let me put it this way. We know that the offspring of a goat is a goat, not a dog. The offspring of a monkey is a monkey and not a lion. Guess what, an offspring of God can be nothing other than a god. Glory to Jesus!

What does this mean?

It means that the ability of God is in us. We can think, talk, live, command, rule, lead and do things just as God would do it. In fact, He made us gods on earth to rule earth on His behalf [GEN. 1: 26 – 28]. This Godlike nature was operational in Adam when he named all the animals that God had created and God didn’t see the need for any alteration, because the names that Adam gave them were the same names God would have given to them had He conducted the naming ceremony by Himself  [GEN. 2: 19, 20]. Now, think about this. If Adam, who lived under the old covenant, could operate in the capacity of a god, how much more then can we, who are living under the new covenant, ratified by the blood of Jesus, operate as gods.

Now, if we have been made wonderfully like this, why then, are we living an average, dirty, useless and unpleasant lives? Why are gods suffering like mere men?

The answer: Hosea 4: 6.

IGNORANCE is the number one root cause of all our suffering.

•    Ignorance of who we truly are. Most of us don’t understand our true identity and make up. Even the above revelation about our divine nature will sound like blasphemy to many. But that’s who we truly are.
•    Ignorance of the divine abilities that have been deposited inside us by God. We have great creative abilities which we never know exist in us yet. They are the untapped potentials which, if properly maximized, could lead us unto great heights.
•    Ignorance of the God we call our Father. If we understand who God is, then we will know that there is no limit to what we can achieve with Him, for Him, in Him and through Him.


In PSALM 82: 6, 7, God declared even though I created and wired you with the abilities of gods, yet you will die like mere men. You will suffer the same things that mere mortals suffer. Why? We failed to understand our divine nature and live as expected. Ignorance, v.5.

Permit me to tell you that the life you are living now is not God’s best for you. You are living far below God’s design for your life. Your Godlike abilities have been relegated to the background, and you are now living, thinking, talking and doing things like mere men. If only you will rise up and embrace your true divine nature, you will see how great your life will change.


There are many things we hold on to as excuses/reasons for our failure to live the life God designed for us to live: (1) Low education qualification, (2) Poor family background, (3) Poor economy of the nation, (4) Nobody is willing to help, (5) We’ve tried and failed, so we’ve stopped trying etc.

But I dare say to you that none of these things have the power to stop us from becoming all that God has designed for us to be. Testimonies abound of people who were affected by all these things and even worse conditions, and yet they broke through and fulfilled purpose, even people with severe physical disabilities.

Nothing has the power to stop you from becoming God’s best, except your mind - PROVERBS 23: 7a.

Too many of us have built strongholds of limitations in our minds. We created unbelief and mountains which have kept us from reaching out and exploring opportunities that lies around us. You see, the truth is that there is no mountain powerful enough to limit us except the mountains we create in our minds. Nothing can limit, stop or hinder you, like your mind. You can never grow or go beyond the capacity of your mind.

God created you for the best and to be the best of His creations. However, there is the possibility of dying as an average person. A mediocre.

Tomorrow, I'll be sharing on Seven (7) Toxic Mentalities you must get rid of if you want to become all that God has created you to be. Don't miss it for anything. God bless you.
It's been such a long time. But thank God, I'm finally fully back.