Friday 27 January 2012

...digging your FOUNDATION rightly!

This is a special message to all the young people of my generation.

Ours is a generation that wants to get things and get it now! If it's not now then it's not acceptable to us. The best time is now! But I think w need to stop for a minute and ponder over some issues. The elderly men and women we seem to be competing with didn't get to where they are in a day. It took them years of toiling, sweat, planning, experimentation, failures, falling, rising, and sowing before they are become the envious figure they now are. 
What sweat, labor, tears and planning have we invested into our destiny that we want to stand on the same platform of fame with these icons and legends? What to do now is not to jump around mumbling in unknown tongues and gallivanting about but to bend down and begin to lay a solid foundation for our lives and destiny.
Remember that the strength of a house is not in how tall it is but in how strong the foundations are.

Ooops! One more thing.

The higher you want to go in life will determine how deep your foundation must be. This is why you cannot imitate anybody, not even your twin (if you are one). He might be dreaming of building a bungalow destiny while you are aiming at building a skyscraper destiny. Even when he has already started manifesting destiny you will still digging your foundations. However, when you are done, your destiny is sure to overshadow his.

Get down now and start digging the foundation for your future.

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